Monday, December 17, 2012

Friday was a gut-wrenching, strange day learning of the terrible deaths in CT. It hit home more than anything has since 9/11.  It may be because my children are also in grade school, and I could imagine the lives of those people that morning, and the devastation now that no parent ever wants to live.  Sunday in church, the sermon touched on this event and our questioning of faith - how can God let this happen?  Also mentioned was rather than say, "Where was God?" we need to look for God in our everyday lives, seeing Him in those around you.  At that moment, I looked down and my 3 year old son was thumbing through the hymnal and had selected, "Let there be Peace on Earth." I found God in the two little ones sitting next to me.  He is with me every day in their smiles, hugs and laughter.  I am so grateful for that!

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